By Carrie Torrans
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
And if not now – WHEN
~ Pirkei Avot 1:14
On June 16, Cerebral Palsy Association of BC Executive Director Feri and I had the pleasure of going to Vancouver Talmud Torah school’s Ceremony of Giving. At the beginning of the school year, students partake in the Mitzvah of Valuing Philanthropy Initiative. The program helps fulfill their B’nei Mitzvah obligation of tikkun olam (repair of the world).
Grade 7 students at the school picked 25 non-profit organizations, including the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia, to represent and fundraise for. Students Jasmine Layton and Moselle Levy selected the CPABC, stating, “We would like to help children with cerebral palsy. We would also love to spend some time with kids with cerebral palsy and understand what it’s like to live with cerebral palsy.”
Through bake sales, babysitting, car washes and other fundraising efforts the class was able to raise an amazing $25,000. This project taught the students many invaluable skills such as leadership, professionalism, allocating funds, and most importantly giving back to the community.
At the Ceremony of Giving, we were honored to accept a cheque of close to $1,000. We would like to thank Jasi and Moselle and the Talmud Torah school for all the amazing work they have done. All the money have raised will definitely make the world a better place.