By Nicole Morris
Savanna and Kaylee are happy funny sweet sassy outgoing seven year old twins that happen to have CP. Through a campership subsidy provided by by the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC, they hope to attend a special needs camp in Sorrento, BC this summer. This special needs camp allows the whole family to attend so the twins can experience camp but have mom at their side so they can enjoy their time away from home, experiencing the wilderness and fun like other children their age.
This camp offers wheelchair accessible cabins, activities inclusive for all friends and support staff to help the twins enjoy their time.
Without support from the CPABC, the twins would be unable to have this opportunity. We are so thankful for the support of CPABC and giving the twins this opportunity. The Association has helped the twins on many occasions, and continues to break down barriers so the twins can have a more typical life and lots of opportunities.