Ron Blackmore credits his adopted son Adam with teaching him meaningful life lessons, the true values of life, and the importance of a smile.
Ron’s relationship with his son – who lives with severe spastic cerebral palsy, was born deaf, and is tube-fed – also led to his connection with the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia, where he currently serves as a board member.
Making connections
Ron first became connected to CPABC when he and his wife moved to BC after he retired from his job as a chief chemist in northern Canada. He was nominated to the Board and served three consecutive two-year terms. He served on the board through the personnel and nomination committees.
With the personnel committee, Ron has written the employee manual and conducted the annual performance review of the Executive Director. He also does interviews with potential board candidates, and makes recommendations to the board prior to the Association’s Annual General Meeting along with other committee members.
Ron says that having a child with cerebral palsy has taught him and his wife a variety of life lessons such as patience, tolerance, advocacy, and respect for people no matter what their issue. He says,
“I can remember more than a few times coming home grouchy after a rough day at work only to be met by this smiling young person who was deaf and totally dependent on others to do everything for him and taking only few seconds to realize how insignificant my issues were and to smile and communicate with him.”
Importance of family
Ron says Adam is accepted by his other siblings, who visit him when the opportunity presents itself. Adam lives in a nearby group home now that he’s in his twenties, since his age and physical limitations have made it difficult to continue to provide full-time care at home.
The family is still involved in Adam’s life through frequent weekend visits, a representative agreement, visits to the group home and going to summer camp with him. Ron said that his adopted daughter, who was in her teens when Adam came to live with the family, took a special interest in him. “She learned sign language and often was his means of communication in the community. Her endearment still endures as she has timed her visits from Calgary to be able to go to the Agur Lake family summer camp with Adam and Mom and Dad”.
Ron is part of a team of caring board members whose life and work experience contribute to the organization’s goals. Together with our Advisory Committee, they guide the organization to best meet the needs of our members across the province. We are grateful for Ron’s ongoing support.
Learn more about our Board of Directors