“Tea, Talk and Crumpets” is a new social and recreational outlet for seniors with disabilities, facilitated and organized by community members, and hosted by the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC.
This is a peer-run program. A volunteer planning board will choose program activities and facilitate the group. Program logistics and support will be provided by CPABC.
Please contact Dan Chalcraft, Community Engagement Assistant @ community@bccerebralpalsy.com or 604 408 9484 for more information.
Third session
The third session will be on August 9th from 1:30 to 3: 30 p.m. at the Yaletown Roundhouse Community Centre. This is a free program and light refreshments will be provided. The third session will be fitness, aging and cerebral palsy. The speaker will be Erin Gubby, a personal trainer who has worked with clients living with cp. We will have the event at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre in Yaletown. http://roundhouse.ca/
This is an age-inclusive program for anyone with a disability. “Senior” is defined as anyone over 50.
The group is for seniors with disabilities but is also open to able bodied seniors as well.
Here is a copy of the flyer: tea, talk, & crumpets flyer-August 9th, 2017