On March 15th, 2018, we are hosting our annual Life Without Limits Gala. Year after year, we use the evening as a platform to celebrate the success of BC’s disability community and fundraise for a cause that is truly bigger than all of us.
By attending our event or supporting the gala, you’ll be making an immense difference for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. Proceeds of the Life Without Limits Gala will raise critical funds for our programs and services, including the Tanabe Bursary. This financial assistance program supports students with cerebral palsy to attend a post-secondary institution of their choice.
Meet the Speakers: Marco Dixon
Burgeoning multimedia artist Marco Dixon says the Tanabe Bursary awarded by the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC helps provide tuition, books, art supplies – and the hope that he can reach his education goals and secure the skills necessary for a job and a comfortable life pursuing his passions.
He credits his cerebral palsy and epilepsy for his artistic and creative development. “[I] did a short film on CP and epilepsy and the effects of bullying to educate students on the challenges of it,” says Marco. He also ascribes artistic inspiration to a post-epileptic seizure sense of creativity. “When you come out of a seizure and you see a whole bunch of images and you don’t want to let go; that’s what sort of influenced me.”
The 31-year-old Vancouver resident is currently enrolled in Capilano University and is taking courses related to the Bachelor of Illustration and Design program he hopes to be accepted into. Marco’s mom, Branka Mihajlovic, proudly states that he has always had an interest in multimedia and film and has been very enthusiastic to finish this year.
His devotion to art is evident when he talks. Marco says he was introduced to film and drawing at an early age. “I had my own business at the age of three selling all my art work on t-shirts and sweatshirts down on the beach. It [was] called ‘Marco’s Sea for Kids’.”
Starting his own production company, Naked Lenny Media, has given Marco an outlet to express himself as an artist, filmmaker, illustrator, and designer. The company’s output shows his friends and peers he’s able to work in the industry, and is a direct result of the educational benefits he gained through the Tanabe Bursary.
“I have a fine eye for colouring in the digital world, and editing the dead spots that are within a scene in a short film,” says Marco.
Marco embraces his health challenges by using his affected left side for drawing, sketching and art work, which allows for greater manipulation of the materials and enhances detail. By incorporating his condition into his artwork, he accepts his ability as part of what makes him who he is.
With his passion for growing and developing his potential as a filmmaker and illustrator, Marco is immersed in the industry and ready to Learn Without Limits and seize opportunities that come his way.
Join Marco and CPABC at the gala!