Whether we use a wheelchair or walker or just look different – people too often focus on our disabilities rather than our abilities. Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia (CPABC) has partnered with Alinker to change that with a new program: Movement Without Limits.
Movement Without Limits gets people with disabilities active and highlights their ability. We have given each of our Movement Ambassador a free Alinker walking bike to help them get active. Here’s what they have to say about their experience with using the mobility aid:
“I love it! When I first started, I was frustrated because I didn’t understand how to move my feet correctly. After an hour of practice, I feel like I am getting the hang of it. I am having so much fun with it! I think it is helping me to become stronger so that is wonderful! I have been using it every day since I got it. I can definitely see myself using it a lot for many years. It was very kind of you to fund this bike for me.” -Melissa Lyon
“Today was the first time that I used my Alinker outsider, and it was wonderful! I haven’t been able to move that fast in years, and it’s definitely a conversation starter. It felt great to be able to get exercise without over-exerting myself.” – Brenna Britton
“Over the last month of using the Alinker, my abductor muscles have loosened a bit, making movements on the Alinker has encouraged me to get outside more. I hope over time that using the Alinker will stretch out my tight leg muscles while being active.I see the potential of being able to walk farther with the Alinker than I currently can with my walker.” – Tammy Corness