Playing an old game with a great charitable twist!
Get ready to challenge your friends, co-workers, and family to see who is the British Columbia cerebral Palsy ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS CHAMPION! The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC needs you to step up and take the Rock, Paper, Scissors for Cerebral Palsy Challenge.
What is the #RPS4CP Challenge you say? It is a hot, fun challenge on the classic game of Rock Paper Scissors – with a great small charitable donation component to benefit the BC Cerebral Palsy Association.
How It Works:
Challenge a Friend: Select a friend, colleague, relative, or neighbour and challenge them to a best out of 3 rounds Rock/Paper/Scissors.
Capture the Moment: Have another friend or colleague film your challenge on their smartphone..
Play: the game live, through an app, or online!
Declare a Champion! After the showdown, declare the champion of our match. The defeated challenger graciously contributes $20 by scanning the provided QR Code, donating to the Cerebral Palsy Association’s #RSP4CP Campaign in honour of the champion.
Post: your #RPS4CP challenge videos on line and through social media channels using #RPS4CP and don’t forget to tag others to challenge more friends and family! Send us a copy to post on our special #RPS4CP social media posts and our website!
Repeat the challenge and let’s see who the BC most successful #RPS4CP Champion is!
Keep the Momentum Going: Challenge others and let’s discover who will become the ultimate #RPS4CP Champion in British Columbia!
What Is Our Goal?
To have 100,000 RPS4CP challenges occur the week of October 1 culminating with champions across the province!
Join in the fun and help those living with Cerebral Palsy across BC by participating in the first-every Rock, Paper, Scissors for Cerebral Palsy Challenge benefitting the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC.
Send your your photos and/or videos to the BC Cerebral Palsy Association at info@bccerebralpalsy.com
Join our Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn pages and share your stories while helping!
- Facebook: @CerebralPalsyAssociaitonofBC
- Instagram: @bccerebralpalsy
- X (Twitter): @CerebralPalsyBC
- LinkedIn: @CerebralPalsyAssociationofBC
We made posting even easier! Just copy and paste the copy below with your photo or video post:
Join in the FUN and help those living with Cerebral Palsy across BC by participating in the FIRST EVER Rock, Paper, Scissors for Cerebral Palsy Association of BC.
#RPS4CP #CPABC #LifeWithoutLimits #CerebralPalsy
Accessible Ways To Play!
On your computer: Wordwall – RPS4CP
On an iPad or iPhone: RPS-Shoot
On a tablet or PC device: Play.google app RockPaperScissors
All proceeds from the RPS4CP challenge go directly to support the work of the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC Programs including Therapeutic Recreation activities, Peer Support groups, Adaptive Equipment & Assistive Devices funding, Movement Therapy, Family Supports, and other key programs to see the over 11,000 children and adults living with cerebral palsy (CP) in British Columbia enjoy Life Without Limits.
Thank you for your support and good luck and have fun as we look for our champions across the province!
On October 6, 2023
BC Will Light Up GREEN
World Cerebral Palsy Day is a global movement of people with cerebral palsy and their families, and the organizations that support them, in more than 60 countries. The day is an opportunity to celebrate, raise awareness and take action to ensure that people with CP have the same rights, access and opportunity as anyone else in their communities.
BC will light up green to celebrate World CP Day. Some of BC’s most prominent landmarks (Canada Place, BC Place, Science World, etc) will light up green to promote CP awareness. Make sure to snap a picture and share it on social media!
About Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) affects body movement and muscle coordination, is not hereditary nor contagious but is a life-long condition. Over 10,000 people in BC live with Cerebral Palsy. It is the number one physical disability in children, and while many adults with CP work and lead productive lives many are bound by therapy and equipment expenses that can be debilitating.
CP is a complex disability:
- 1 in 4 children with CP cannot talk
- 1 in 4 children cannot walk
- 1 in 2 have an intellectual disability
- 1 in 4 have epilepsy.
- CP is a lifelong disability and there is no known cure.
Learn more: Infographic: What is Cerebral Palsy?
CPABC Programs and Services
The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC (CPABC) has a robust roster of 12 programs and services that support our community of over 1,000 members. From educational bursaries to recreational programs to support services. It’s all covered for the recipient of the funds or the attendee of the program.

What is World Cerebral Palsy Day?
World Cerebral Palsy Day [WCPD] is a social movement of, by and for the CP community. World CP Day encourages action taken locally to help realize the global movement for change.
Our Vision
To ensure that individuals with Cerebral Palsy have the same rights, access and opportunities as anyone else.
Why do we want to raise awareness?
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in childhood and is also one of the least understood. Here are reasons why we need to raise awareness:
- Doctors are reluctant to make a diagnosis
- Many people receive ineffective therapies
- Many individuals and their families lack access to basic information and support
- Little money is being spent on research
- Many societies keep people with CP out of sight, out of mind and out of options
Learn more:
Let’s take action
On World CP Day, we will combine our resources, energy and knowledge to share our stories and ideas.
We will tell the world … I AM HERE … WE ARE HERE
I Am Here
- Your success stories and solutions can be applied in other places. Encourage others like you to overcome challenges. Add your story to the World CP Day Map
- Whether you promote World CP Day in your office, on the streets, or via social media, every effort counts. Use the tools to take action in your town, city or country.
We Are Here
Help make World CP Day a success in your area.
- Write to your politicians and local media to let them know about World CP Day and any landmarks being lit up where you live. Take a picture of yourself on World CP Day and share it with #WorldCPDay to help raise awareness.
- Use the World CP Day tools to help spread the word.
Cerebral Palsy Association of BC member and Port Coquitlam resident Peter Brown comments on World CP Day:
“Cerebral Palsy [CP] Day is an excellent opportunity for those of us with CP to educate the rest of the world, particularly our own communities, with respect to this affliction and the tremendous potential and ability that we all have, despite our condition. As with any such condition, there is tremendous uncertainty, almost mystery, for those who do not have, or do not know someone with, CP, as to what CP is and is not and the potential for great contributions to our world by those of us who do have CP. Thus this day provides a platform to provide information which will assist in educating others and, hopefully, break down barriers which continued to the exist for those of us trying to live, learn and work with CP. For me, it is a day during which those of was with CP should take the opportunity to provide the knowledge, information and expertise that we have gathered throughout our lives, to assess and fulfilling our responsibility to educate and inform our communities on we are, how far we have come and what challenges remain and which need to change, in order to benefit not only persons with CP but society as a whole.”
Past World CP Day Celebrations & Location Lit Green to Show Support
Port Coquitlam City Hall
Canada Place Sails of Light
Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge Whistler
Mr. PG – Prince George
Science World
Anvil Centre New West
Kelowna Sails – Abbott Street